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The stories we tell ourselves: The power of the subconscious mind

Our minds are powerful. There are numerous scientific studies that have proven again and again that what we think is our reality. We can even “out-age” ourselves, changing our perceptions until our bodies actually respond and begin to act younger.

One fact I found on Quora about the capacity of the mind is that the average brain can hold 2.5 million gigabytes of information, equal to over 156,000 16GB iPhones. (I don’t know about you, but I can barely keep up with the information contained in my 1 iPhone!)

My insight today wasn’t really about the facts, but the reality that I for one am realizing more and more about this power of our thinking – specifically the subconscious kind. A study published in the Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology (yeah, that is a thing… I didn’t know either…) talked about the subconscious blocks that can actually govern our lives.

“The subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs. Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you.”

The longer I live and the more I learn about other people and myself, I do not find this surprising.

It’s crazy how we have this amazing opportunity to actually re-craft most stories that are yet to happen. Through mindfulness activities, prayer, good counseling, etc., we can become more and more aware of what internal dialogue and patterns our subconscious mind contributes to, and begin to address them if needed. That is great news.

What thoughts continue to come up in your mind? Do you ever get a cryptic text or email message and create an entire drama on what the person did or didn’t mean? We all do this, but can  we focus on understanding why we immediately go there? That, my friends, is powerful. The power of positive thinking tells me that we can all be happier and serve with more impact if we go a bit deeper to ensure we design the thought patterns and life we want!