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The power of our emotions

Not sure where I heard this, but I put it down in my notes as a reminder to blog about at some point. Here’s what I think about this: OUCH!

It resonates because it’s spot on. When our emotions cause our minds to go off course, we are creating stories and narratives that quite possibly aren’t viable or true. The obvious problem with this is we have this amazing ability as humans to manifest our own thoughts. We can use the power of the mind to, at times, turn these emotions into a reality. (I’ve done it more times than I’d like to admit.)

I like the idea that we should OBSERVE these emotions – fear, anxiety, exhilaration, and more – all as a feedback system. A feedback mechanism that was built inside of us to process and make better decisions. Intentionally taking the time to “harness,” if you will, the emotion and asking ourselves where it came from. Is it based on real facts or have we allowed our minds to blow it up into something more? You get the thought here, I hope.

I have a therapist who has asked me to take time to “sit” with my emotions or feelings… don’t pursue them or run from them – just sit. At first that baffled me because I am a doer, as in, “let’s deal with this and move on.” So, this realization that there is another option to observe and understand has been a game changer for me.

I hope this topic strikes home with at least a few of you. It is not easy, but it is important to really consider that God has given us this amazing feedback system for us to both protect ourselves and to help us thrive. We should use it as such and not allow it to be anything more.

Cheers to a great week!