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Today is my amazing dog’s 14th Birthday!

Depending on how you calculate it and whose theory you use, she is either 98 (7 years X 14), or 78 (via I’m going with 78, well, because I’d love to have her around as long as possible.

This picture was in the last few days, so I know you’ll agree she’s pretty awesome looking still! (After all, there are a lot of youngsters in their 70s: Racquel Welch, Harrison Ford, Gladys Knight, Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand…to name a few!)

She has been nothing short of PURE JOY and I know my fellow pet lovers will agree that there is nothing like a pet! Seems this summer PETS are a popular topic. “The Secret Life of Pets” is coming out in the next two weeks, and promises to be a summer block buster. One of the local pastors in our area did a sermon series, just these past two weeks on “The Gospel According to Dogs.” My son shared that one of these messages was a pretty darn good summation of just why DOGS bring us so much JOY. Here are a few thoughts from that message:

Like God, dogs provide us with…

  1. PROTECTION… Regardless if it’s a possum, the fed ex man, or leaves rustling… THEY ARE ALL OVER IT!
  2. LOVE… No better LOVE than a DOG’S! Even after being locked up for 12 hours they couldn’t be more excited to see you!
  3. LOYALTY… Like a good friend, DOGS don’t care much about what you wear, or if you worked out today. They see your heart and they want to be with you regardless of good or bad days!

Have a great wrap to your week. Take a moment to END THE MONTH STRONG BY SPREADING JOY TODAY to a few FOLKS that made your MONTH TERRIFIC!