I love hearing the stories of everyday people. Today I would like to highlight a few remarkable folks that remind me of why it is so valuable in life to savor the moments. These moments are easy to gloss over, but if we listen, we will improve our lives and add true joy.
An Artist – Phil Epp www.philepp.com
This guy is seriously cool. A homegrown Kansas boy from Newton Kansas who started to paint on his farm as a creative outlet. He is down to earth as you might expect, and when you pull into his long winding driveway, you realize he’s truly “everybody’s favorite uncle.”
Although some of his contemporary work is hauntingly cool, Phil’s paintings primarily depict a version of the breathtaking Kansas sky and serene farmland shots. Two favorites of mine include an old fashioned train box car and a large gathering tent under a falling night sky. They both illicit thoughts that stray in many directions.
I love people like Phil. He is kind, gentle and his contribution to society is downright remarkable. His kindred spirit demonstrates that he truly cares deeply about his work. If you are in Kansas City, I recommend you take in his work is at the Overland Park Convention Center and the Leopold Gallery in Brookside.
A Corporate Guy turned Entrepreneur – Mike Miller – www.beforte.com
Mike is a brilliant mind, a solid Christian, an amazing family man and husband, and a great contributor to the community.
Mike and I met this morning so that I could extract some of his BRILLIANT “mind” and learn. Have you ever left a meeting feeling energized and refreshed? You wonder why did that happen when so many times you just feel drained.
Mike left a corporate career and has transitioned into an entrepreneur who is using the gifts God gave him to “spread his brilliance.” Honestly, Mike doesn’t care about his brilliance, he cares deeply about youspreading YOUR BRILLIANCE. That my friend is his gift and why I left ENERGIZED. We need more Mikes.
A Millennial – Jacob Wayman – www.jacobwayman.com
I love Millennials, especially Jacob. I hired Jacob as an intern for FREE when I was the CEO of Kansas City Internal Medicine. Jacob gets it now and he definitely got it then (when he accepted a job that paid zero in cash, but led to an endless supply of guidance and inspiration.)
Often in life you have to put in “sweat equity”- which means you have to put in the time, the energy, and sometimes the tears to learn and learn well. Those periods in our lives prepare us for WORK THAT IS MEANINGFUL and fulfilling.
The time spent investing our minds and hours into learning is time well spent. The younger generation that “gets this” will be the ones who RISE TO THE TOP. I am confident Jacob will. You should follow him onLinkedIn!