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The brilliance of courage

blog_731142_2798643_1446129417Courage is always brilliant.

Courage is stepping into a board room prepared to give a killer presentation. Courage is going into an interview for a job you desperately need. Courage is signing for your first big purchase… and second…and third. Courage is bringing your first child home from the hospital. Courage is rising to the occasion to help someone in need. Courage is facing a tough loss and making something better out of the situation! Courage is taking the long road to leave your home and cross borders to achieve your goal. Courage is seeing the good in bad situations with great faith.

Courage is:

Mindy Corporen: My dear friend who has faced incredible loss and instead of hiding, is the very definition of “rising.” Creating an organization, “faith wins” to focus on the good versus evil in this world. And in the midst, galvanizing thousands to do the same in their personal situations.

Alli Pflueger: My colleague and friend who is a young professional, and a newlywed. Facing a new chapter with a rising career, new family and a passion to help others.

YOU: All of us display courage on a daily basis through our everyday choices and actions. We step in and step up and we change lives for those around us.