Please don’t dismiss this week’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you are a news junkie, no doubt it has been front and center (along with football playoffs and ice storms) the last few days. Many people these days are not watching the news, instead gravitating toward anything “but” the often-negative stories that flood into our homes.
For this week, it is worthwhile to take in the story of his life… again.
If you’d like a simple place, use this.
Also, the “I have a dream” video is worth your 5 minutes.
My friend Gretchen who substitute teaches (lucky kids) told me that she asked her class the other day who today’s heros are. The collective group couldn’t really come up with any. Maybe some sport heros thrown in, but overall, the exercise provided pause that left everyone asking who does deserve this title today? Who is doing work that addresses the big issues?
Thankfully there are a LOT of heros in our world. Many quietly, and some more noteworthy, who are spending their days working on those big issues. On the other hand, there is always room for more… those stand-outs that can GALVANIZE our country. People like Dr. King who sacrifice their lives for the good of man and society.
The quote above is my favorite of King’s. It resonates with me and I hope it does with you. What issues have we been silent about? The definition of silence meaning that you haven’t really done anything to share your concern and take action to help improve the situation. This could be as easy as walking by litter in your own neighborhood, or as complex as taking on the hate that impacts our world.
(A shout out to my friend Mindy Corporon and family who are working toward improvement in this area via their foundation and their annual week long event bringing awareness to these issues.)
Whatever the issue is that you have a passion for, please don’t be silent. It’s a new year and I’m often glad Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is celebrated this month, because this is a month to LAUNCH – to kick off or renew a commitment to what is important in our lives. (If you don’t have anything that stands out, please join Mindy and team.)
While you are at it, if you have children in your life that you can inspire, encourage them this week to identify those issues and begin to step forward as a leader to truly impact our world for the positive. I’m confident that today’s youth have what it takes to continue to make America the greatest country in the world.
#dontbesilent #thankyoudrking