I love long walks with my sons. I love to hear them share their life views and especially when they unknowingly reverse roles, and end up mentoring me. The above reference is from the popular tv series, “The Office,” which is old school now, but a favorite for many of all ages.
Today’s world allows us to stream pretty much anything and this show was an instant classic! Michael Scott, the infamous and inappropriate boss on the show is mentoring one of his team members with what seems to be a “sophomoric” question about where they want their life to go (Season 7, episode 5). My son then shared how he has used this with friends and teammates at work, when they are trying to make a decision. Should I take that job? Should I sign up for another degree? Should I move? Should I buy that newer car? Should I stop drinking? Should I stay in this relationship? Should I….? Life is faced with some pretty big questions almost every year, and sometimes many in one year.
What a great question to process through: Do you want your life to get better, worse or the same? For example: If I take this job, will I be better for it? What’s important to me? How about my family and loved ones? Will the decision be better for all impacted? If I don’t take it, will I be stagnant and in a non-growth mode and stay the same? Will I not be the best I can be for my family and loved ones? Am I limiting my potential with either choice?
Goodness, I love how he shared example after example of this simple exercise helping his friends by walking through this. I also think it is amazing that it came from what seemed like a simple episode of his favorite show. The simplicity in it is what is the most useful. The answers sometimes seem to be hiding and we wish for billboards and other “universal” messages that will help guide us in our lives, but often the answer is right in front of us.
I am going to put this in my phone and when I need to make my next decision, or am in a conversation with someone who is at a fork in the road, I’m going to suggest this as a life hack. We tend to complicate life naturally with our overactive minds, and any tip that helps us to remove the noise, I’m all in for! How about you? What decision do you have in front of you that might become more clear if you ask yourself this question honestly?
I hope your week is absolutely what you want it to be and that the sun is shining on your life right now. If it’s not, I’m praying with you for magical moments that move you back to your center!