Photo Creds: We Heart It)
Family connections run deep. No matter what your family looks like, how functional and/or dysfunctional they may be… the fact is, family creates a bond like no other. Family sees us at our worst and our best… tears are shed of both joy and pain. It’s raw, but a good raw.
It’s the vulnerability of “knowing” that they see the real us and we see the real them (and neither might not really like what we see) that can draw us closer or away at different times in our lives. Most of the time, even if we step away or create a distance, we are drawn back… because, well…. family is family.
Like many of you, over the years I have gone to extended family reunions and as a child thought it was fun, but missed the meaning. I have watched my boys and been surprised that at a younger age they seem to realize and HONOR the depth of family and it’s importance.
That has me thinking that perhaps we all could use a reminder to really INVEST in this area… It’s easy after all to put family on the back burner unless, like children, they need us for survival. Family will be there and we know it.
For that very reason, we should make a concentrated effort to INVEST AND HONOR THEM every chance we get. Say thank you, show appreciation, lift them up… We do this in the work place, and we do it with our friends… but do we tell our favorite “uncle” that he really means a lot of us and that his service to our country brings you so much pride and gratitude? I don’t do this enough. I need to.
Let’s pay attention to making some investments in those who are our greatest cheerleaders. It’s important I think.