(Photo Creds: We Heart It)
What a beautiful day we are having today, the Saturday before Palm Sunday and the launch of Holy Week for Christians.
I love that the various religions have their special celebrations. For us, this is perhaps the greatest celebration. As Christians, we believe that Jesus came to earth in the image of God, lived a perfect life, was persecuted for his faith and three days later was resurrected.
This simple story is deep with HOPE and EXPECTATION for our religion. It is a story that, when “peered” into deeply, showcases that despite our human transgressions and the raw parts of this world, we have hope in a “risen” savior that promises an eternity of peace and beauty.
The human struggle has been on vivid display this week with the bombings in Syria. For those that hold on closely to the news, anxieties rise. For those with children or family serving our country, it is downright painful to watch and wonder where this might head. This is one example, there are of course hundreds more that grab our attention and show our vulnerability and weaknesses as a human race.
I have always found GREAT HOPE in the POWER OF THE EASTER STORY. As you go into this week, I hope that no matter your religion, you will consider what a life changing message HOPE brings. Hope gives us the expectations that just maybe, there is a RAY OF SUNSHINE at the end of our times of struggle. I LOVE HOPE! I need HOPE! I know you do, too!
Praying many blessings for all of you this week!