(Photo Creds: Canva)
What does it look like for you to make this Labor Day weekend count? After all, Labor Day is all about TAKING A BREAK. EMOTIONALLY EXHALING.
It used to be that school started after this weekend, which was a great decision, if you ask me. Alas, for most that isn’t the case anymore, and we are hit in August with what I think of as a total onslaught of obligations, activities, etc. This comes at a time we were just beginning to maybe “exhale.” Summer just started, didn’t it?
For me, “emotionally exhaling” involves very little. Reading, life planning, maybe a meal or two with some dear friends/family, a visit to the farmer’s market, and a a chance to take in the last days of warm sunshine. For others, it’s rock climbing, marathons and shopping extravaganzas… My hope is that you will truly reflect on what this weekend SHOULD look like for you right now. There is a great book that came out last year called “The Best Yes” by Lysa Terkeurst. That book calls out to us to truly make the best decision for ourselves at that given moment and season. Not every LABOR DAY weekend requires the same… some call for all out parties, gatherings, traveling, etc.
So, what does your soul need this weekend? The great news is that it is Thursday and most of us can still can DECIDE what we need and then CHOOSE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Whatever you do, I hope that you will EMOTIONALLY EXHALE.