(Photo Creds: We Heart It)
I hope you are good with my continued focus this week on maximizing our summer (especially for the younger generations) by understanding and hopefully creating an action plan to go “deeper” in your knowledge of how our world is ACCELERATING.
Of course the quote above would stop me in my tracks. Grab the highlighter and send texts simultaneously to the kids… We have to get in the mindset of INVENTION. I would say even my generation needs to grasp this sooner rather than later. It’s not too late… in fact, it’s RIGHT ON TIME.
Here’s the thing: you need a plan to succeed. If you have younger folks in your life, even if you don’t wish to “jump in,” you need to do it for them.
To truly understand the driving forces and and help them design that “plan.” By the way, the “plan” will be short lived, because for this generation, the pace of change is so fast that they will have to recreate (INVENT) themselves via learning multiple times in their lives.
“Like everything else in the age of accelerations, securing and holding a job requires DYNAMIC STABILITY – you need to keep pedaling all the time,” says Friedman. “Within the next decade the digital divide will disappear (meaning literally everyone in the world will have access to the internet and cloud, i.e. a WORLD OF EDUCATION AT THEIR FINGER TIPS…). And when that happens, only one divide will matter, says Marina Gorbis, executive director of the Institute for the Future, and that is, ‘MOTIVATIONAL DIVIDE.'”
So there you have it. The future pretty much belongs to those that will JUMP IN and take ADVANTAGE of the world that is literally available to them. What a great OPPORTUNITY WE ALL HAVE TO embrace the CHANGES. Sure, days at the pool, throwing rocks in the pond, and hangin’ with your besties are still critical. I’ll always be one that says we learn so much from the people we surround our selves with. However, this is a world that Mr. Friedman helped open my eyes to over the last few days. I hope this helps IGNITE some of you to begin to go further in understanding and truly make this SUMMER COUNT for you and your families and friends. Let’s all get to INVENTING… and let’s make it FUN.