Have you ever stopped to listen to people around you, and even the conversations and comments that happen in your own home?
“The weather is awful. I can’t believe I have to go out this early in this cold.”
“We have nothing to eat.”
“Everyone else has their holiday stuff out already. I have no idea when I am going to do that.”
“The traffic was so bad this morning.”
“He/she is so rude.”
“I weigh 1,000 pounds right now.”
“I am so tired.”
“The line is so long.”
“Parking is disastrous.”
“I can’t believe we have to wait.” And even: “What, they don’t have a Starbucks?”
All of this seems harmless, right? Except it’s not.
Too often I am struck by the ease by which we simply fill the world (as in the one we live in… in our cars, homes, workplace and yes, even when we are out actually doing something fun). The feeling I get from the barrage of these types of comments can be draining and honestly, I think it can make us physically sick.
I thought it was timely to point this out so we can redirect. It goes along well with the conversations we have had on joy, wonder and living positive lives so that we can serve our purpose here in the best way possible. I heard a message not too long ago where they suggested you pray for a spirit of conviction when you complain. Let me tell you, it’s dangerous… but good. You may feel like you are generally always positive, and this could surprise you. You for sure will notice the conversations around you need to be infused with something different.
Our words impact the ability for us to be AWESOME. Let’s do better!
Have a great week!