(Photo creds: Canva)
Our own personal growth happens over time, whether or not we’re aware of it. Growth can be real growth, as in getting stronger. But it can also be more meaningful or purposeful.
We can stunt our growth with our habits we’re unwilling to confront head on. One of my habits is hitting the snooze button daily, and oftentimes more than once. I recently decided it was time to stop the silliness and get the heck up. It’s still January – and anything could change – but for now, I am putting in place a firm call to action to get up at the sound of the first alarm.
We all know that growth is achieved by making consistent healthy decisions over time… an apple a day-type thinking. In his book, “Mini Habits,” Sam Davis lays out that the foundation in establishing habits. He explains that we should put in place “stupid-small” steps to help us move toward success. (Hence, the example in the title of this blog.) It gives you the notion that you are creating steps that set you up for “too small to fail.” In other words, you’re set up to succeed. Even if your goal is to do 25 push ups a day. By the end of the day, you’re not going to let the hurdle of doing one stop you from achieving your goal. (Thank you Levi Lusko for the example.) Here are some others:
Goal: To eat more greens each day.
Stupid Small Step: To eat one piece of lettuce a day.
Goal: To walk two miles, or 30 minutes, every day.
Stupid Small Step: To walk to the end of the driveway and back each day.
Goal: To develop a habit of sending three thank you notes out each week.
Stupid Small Step: To send one thank you text in a week.
I think you get the concept here. Small steps repeated over time equal new habits that create GROWTH. If you stay focused, they will produce MASSIVE GROWTH! I like that idea a lot!
Where do you need to start today?