“For many of us, our first waking thought of the day is, ‘I didn’t get enough sleep.'” (Brene Brown- The Gifts of Imperfection)
How many of us wake up and immediately have thoughts such as, “I’m still tired, I better stay here a bit longer,” or “I can work out later,” or “I have a big day, and need the energy… (AKA, I’ll just hit snooze again….)?”
DANG, I’m totally in that group. Those who study human behavior call this “scarcity” thinking… As in, we aren’t waking up with a focus first on the positive but with a notion of lack… “I am healthy. I am so blessed to wake up and have a purpose.”
You get the picture. I am TOTALLY feeling this one.
In the book noted above (which Brene recently re-released), the “not enough” thinking seems to saturate us early and often. Not enough exercise, work, money, power, time off, weekends, etc. “Before we even sit up in bed, we’re inadequate, behind…already lacking something.” We end the same way, thinking about what we didn’t get to… what remains… Ugh! Why do we do that? According to Brown (and boy is she right on point), “We each have the choice in ANY SETTING to step back and let go of the mind-set of scarcity. Once we let go of scarcity, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency…a knowing that there IS ENOUGH, and THAT WE ARE ENOUGH.”
We should all pay attention to our thoughts. Our ultimate goal is toward “abundant” thinking. The idea is that focusing on abundance directs us to think through the possible good in each situation. The power of our first thoughts of each day can set the course for the day, and propel us forward, or leave us still in bed, while the world is moving ahead. We are far more incredible than we ever give ourselves credit for. We are powerful and strong and even on those days when we feel we cannot be enough, THAT EVEN WILL BE ENOUGH!
I hope that this message somehow resonates with you as well. The power of the moment as we start our day, should be with some bravado…some touch of momentum and badassery if you will. We are all gifted and able to bring forth a positive movement for this very day. My prayer is that God will work on our minds and allow us to be all we are intended to be.