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Sling a little mud


Kids of all ages love the thrill of mud. The dirt between your toes (haven’t felt that in a while) is good for the soul. Boys and men love the idea of going “muddling” in a super cool Jeep and feeling the mud hit the tires.

When we went to Pine Cove summer camps (my son Sam is a counselor there this summer… Love you Sam!), they have a game for the kid campers called “Buffalo Hunt.”  While I don’t know the particulars I do know that the pictures are sooooo much fun! I really never understood why we didn’t get to play as adults, but I’m guessing it’s something to do with the liability of hip replacements and alike – ha ha.

So why is play important? It just so happens that getting out in the dirt, and really nature is primal. It’s something we were meant to do… This article has some fun reasons why. Here are the two I loved:

The weekend is upon us soon… What can you do to “stir” up a little fun?