Flourish… Grow… Prosper… Develop… Multiply – I love all of it.
God indeed intends for us to flourish. To become… To live out our purpose fully and with joy.
On Friday night, our church, Hillsong KC, had a women’s “sisterhood” night. It was a ton of fun and I had many friends join me, which made it all the more powerful. I believe God shines brightest when we are unified in our praise, celebration and, like it or not, in our struggles. The major takeaway for me was something I thought you all may find worth your attention as well: Co-pastor Liz Turner shared 4 steps for us to consider taking this summer. I hope you join me in putting them into action! (I do have to say that I surprisingly am somewhat of a traditionalist with many things, but the fact that she co-leads the church is awesome! It’s rare to see a woman as integrated in a key role at a church. Her spirit and passion make a huge difference to so many. More faith-filled women please!)
Here you go… SO GOOD!
1.) Sit down and spend some time truly thinking about what you are believing God for this summer… identify it and write it down.
2.) Ask God what He wants you to focus on. Do this through prayer and contemplation, reading scriptures… identify it and write it down.
3.) Stay connected with others that hold this same focus and intent for their lives. Speak life to one another and stand together. Be vulnerable as to where you may need support. God has assigned the right people to help you in this phase of your life.
4.) Ask for accountability. Make a personal, faith-filled declaration of who you are and where you are going. Share it and speak it over your life.
I’m going to work on this today. If you join me, let me know! Praying your week is absolutely brilliant, and that you set a spark to ignite a summer of flourishing.