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Simple Thoughts Sunday: The personal power in refreshing others

Re-fresh-ment: “The giving of fresh, mental or physical strength or energy.” Synonyms: Invigoration, revitalizing, restoring, strengthening, regenerating

Isn’t that great? I particularly love the part about giving. We actually have the power to GIVE someone strength and energy. Amazing. What if everyone you ran into knew that and acted upon it positively? What if our inner circle, family, friends, etc., received this reminder today? Would it be a game changer for the environment around us? I sure think so! (Heck, even the enthusiasm around March Madness elevates the energy in the conversation.)

One thing I’ve known for a long time is that if I’m having a bad day, the surest way to reverse course is to focus on someone else and help to fill a need if possible.

ELooking back, this makes sense. Before I actually read the Bible through, I used to read the Psalms and proverbs year after year. These short messages provide the best guidance I know of on how to live life well. I loved that in my daily reading this week, that I came across the powerful Proverb above. What a simple, yet profound thought that comes directly from God’s word.

As we go into this week, I plan to keep this top of mind. What are some ways we can “refresh” others this week? Let’s fill the world around us with all kinds of crazy good. Be refreshed my friends.