In Matthew Kelly’s classic book ‘The Rhythm of Life,’ he shared that he often sites this prayer during the day, especially during busy times.
His theory is that finding the “rhythm” is largely about assessing and reassessing our resources and energies, ensuring they are in alignment of fulfilling our purpose.
Most of us do this annually, or maybe a few times a year, but daily? That is powerful thinking.
As you launch into February, my prayer is that you will take pause to make sure your efforts, time, actions and focus are in the direction that aligns with you being the best and most amazing version of yourself! I will for sure tuck this one in my proverbial back pocket to ask throughout my week. It’s pure gold in my opinion!
Mike M says
Thanks for sharing Lori. I did an exercise for my family earlier this month. I made a list of everything going on in our lives as a family this year. IT WAS AMAZING how long it was. I think prioritized what is most important for us: Family D&D (Dinner and Devotions) Church, Serving in a ministry, Mom and Dad Bible study. Experiences. The big rocks hopefully are falling into plays. But, BUSYNESS is a lure for everyone. It is epidemic in our society and in our families. Priorities are important. Re-visiting them OFTEN is even more important.