Summer is often a time where we get out there and sometimes have the opportunity to explore new heights. The boat goes faster, the mountains we climb are higher… It can take us outside of our comfort zone. Our adrenaline amps up and our body responds in ways that often catches us by surprise.
I read Adam Hamilton’s new book, “Unafraid,” this week. At first I wasn’t too excited because I don’t view myself as a fearful person at this point in my life. It pretty much immediately captured my attention though. I got a ton of inspiration out of the book. Here’s a quote I resonated with…
“We are the healthiest, wealthiest, and the longest lived people in history. And we are increasingly afraid. This is one of the great paradoxes of our time.” (ref: Daniel Gardner)
Our hurried lives create a need for yoga, meditation, mindfulness… Anything to reduce our anxiety and stress. The one thing that we can all rely on is that God’s peace doesn’t change, no matter what is going on in our lives.
Hamilton covers the biblical support of God’s promises and how we can truly rely on him to carry us through these times. He covered everything from financial stress, to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out and the impact of social media), aging, death and loss. I found myself in every situation he illustrated and I think you might too.
He shared my favorite Bible story from Matthew 8 23-27 where Jesus calms the storm. I have loved this even as a very young girl. Somehow the image of Jesus asleep during a storm, reveals to us that we can rest, knowing that whatever happens we are safe.
I’ll end there today. As you go through the week, know that you are covered. You can rest knowing that even if the storms are strong and seem out of control at times, that God has you.
Praying for us to all to grow our faith life so that we can live “unafraid.” I hope your summer is off to a STRONG START!
GREAT message Lori. I haven’t read Adam’s book yet, but plan to after reading this. Have a great week.
Jason, I think you’ll really find value. Adam is to me the greatest bible teacher of our time. I however really wasn’t too interested in the topic. I was totally wrong. I needed it! 🙂