A lot of people feel guilt for enjoying the gifts God has given us. I love the concept of “Sunday Funday” that became popular over the last several years. While Sunday is to be a day of Sabbath as a follower of God, it is also a day to get out there and HAVE FUN! To truly rest and refuel. One of the best ways I know to get truly refreshed is to have fun with people you love to be around.
As the scripture says, to “eat and drink” and enjoy what we have earned through working throughout the week. I hope that you have taken time today to HAVE FUN and if not, the night is still young!
Spontaneous acts are usually the MOST FUN. Grab your favorite and go get some ice cream, play Frisbee, take a walk… jump on the bed, catch fire flies… START YOUR WEEK OFF WITH CHILD-LIKE ENTHUSIASM!
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