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Simple Thoughts Sunday: Errors increase with distance

I am inspired by this idea, and perhaps you will be as well.

Where are you when you are at your best? I heard this concept of “errors (as in a lack of peace, quick to express my viewpoint versus listening, etc) increasing with distance” in the context of spiritual connection. I have to say that I am fully at my best when I am closest to God in some way. When I am actively surrounding myself with not only the word of God, but also the energy that is found by spending time in community with other purpose-focused believers, praying regularly, serving those around me, helping those in need, or reading the stories shared by teachers and authors. Heck, even listening to praise music brings me to a sense of awe and gratitude for both the amazing and the challenging in my world. In short, I find myself most fulfilled when my daily life is spiritually connected.

So, logic would say that when I am further away that “errors” may happen. How true is that? When I am not doing much of what I listed above, I find myself feeling disconnected and far from an optimal state. It’s pretty straight forward, yet I have to be honest: I don’t know how or why, but I sometimes find myself distracted and a lot further from the target. Anyone else?

So, for today’s post, it truly is a “simple thought,” which is to say that we are indeed our best when our actions bring us closer to our creator. When we are intentionally near, we can know deep inside that we can hit the targets we were designed to hit, and do so with a sense of deep joy. That’s powerful.

Praying for you all today to have the BEST week!