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Simple Thoughts Sunday: Bring your energy this week.

ENERGY! We need it, we desire it, and it makes us all better.

The trainer I love via Peloton, Robin Arzon (@robinnyc on Instagram) has a 2019 goal which I think is worth sharing:

“If it’s doesn’t raise my spirit, I’m unavailable.”

(She also adds if it doesn’t raise her bank account – ha!) She is spot on! Positive energy is what brings a positive spirit into our lives. This happens on every single path we take…

In the workplace? Yep for sure! Have you ever walked in and felt a dull sense of enthusiasm (AKA none)? It feels like everyone dredged in and doesn’t want to be present. That is so sad.

Alternatively, I hope you have walked in and felt that vibration… the power of energy… high enthusiasm… passion for great teamwork and work itself… a noticeable environment of purpose. It makes a big difference, doesn’t it?

What makes this happen? What makes it happen is YOU.

Creating culture and a positive experience is everyone’s role. It is walking in with encouraging words, smiles, hugs (when appropriate), and a constant focus on bringing up the level of energy and therefore success! I have seen everyone from new employees to leaders bring this spark.

This is true in the home, in classrooms, in the corridors of our community… everywhere.

Let’s bring the energy this week. Let’s shine that light that ignites a fire of awesome all around us!