Someone posed this question to me a few months ago. It’s intended to be focused on your intimate relationships, but it’s still pretty broad.
I first thought about how useful this question would be for my 20-year-old boys, and then quickly realized it is a completely legitimate question for me. I’m not married, and really only in the past year(ish) considered dating more seriously. I am grateful this question was brought to my attention, because in its simplicity it speaks volumes.
Shouldn’t I be filtering any potential “candidate” that may become a key part of my life through this life impacting question? After all, if he’s not moving me closer to God (in my case… I realize many others have different religions or viewpoints), then why should I waste my time? I shouldn’t. You shouldn’t.
Whatever is important to you, if your partner is not a part of helping you go in that direction then they probably aren’t a long-term part of your plan. (Clearly, if you are already in a relationship it may bring forth a different set of questions… like how can I bring my partner closer to God? How can I have a conversation that I need him to pray over me when I’m facing a challenge?)
The same would be true for friendships that you invest a lot of time with. Back to the school days when your parents tell you to “hang with the right crowd.” I think it’s worth it to take an inventory of those friends in your inner circle. Are they bringing positive energy? Are they investing in you and your happiness? It’s a good process.
Finally, how are you bringing your friends closer to God? Are you really praying for them, seeking their hearts and what they may be confronting right now? How can you step up in this area?
I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I hope it ignites a little fire in you that has you move in that direction.
Have an awesome week.
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