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Point out someone’s BRILLIANCE


GRADUATION IS by far one of my favorite times of the year, and I love this pic coupled with one of my favorite bible verses.  (One that I have to remind myself of often, and also a “mom” favorite!)

Once again this year, we have several friends and family members graduating, from high school and college. What a great time of celebration and hope for a bright future.

I wanted to share a story that meant the world to me last year at my boys’ graduation. I have some neighbors,-turned-friends who have been long time supporters of me and the boys. I am especially close to Susie. Her husband Sid is one of those super cool guys my boys have always loved to be around, and more importantly a spiritual leader type of guy that has a way of encouraging even when we don’t know we need it. In 12 years, he has been a great encourager to me two key times and graduation was one. (I share that it was two times because I feel like it is important to note that it doesn’t have to be daily, or weekly, but any encouragement is important). In short, he pulled me aside and spent a good 10 minutes just “talking into” me God’s words of wisdom and celebration and assurance of a job well done… I was stopped in my tracks at their graduation party and had to take a moment to just soak in those words. It was powerful.

Why does this matter? Your words are powerful. You have the power to lift someone up and TAKE THEM TO A NEW LEVEL.

TAKE THE TIME. We have all had those moments when we felt something inside of us urging us to stop and take a few minutes to POINT OUT SOMEONES BRILLIANCE, or to truly embrace their moment of success. TAKE THE CLUE and pull them aside and speak God’s love over them. It will impact and inspire both them and you!

(Photo credit: We Heart It)