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Onward: We must take what we need and move on to serve others

(Photo Creds: We Heart It)

I’ve seen a similar image before. I love it. What do you need right now? For every friend I know well, I could tell you that they need one of these. I personally could use some healing and some patience. Heck, I think I may need a bit of strength, inspiration and peace as well.

The final day of the annual Seven Days events sponsored by Faith Always Wins, concluded last night with a unity walk. The final day is also claimed as “ONWARD.” My friend, the founder, and a great inspiration to many, Mindy Corporon, explained why they chose ONWARD for the final day in her Facebook post yesterday:

“Because, as we live our journey on earth together we need to find a way to move onward… past and THROUGH our CHALLENGES. WE ALL HAVE THEM.”  

She is spot on – of course.

I want to take a moment to remind you that there is quite literally an army of people ready to help you with whatever it is you need to help you not only survive, but TAKE A VICTORY LAP AROUND THIS JOURNEY! We need each other. If you question that, I’d be happy to prove that to you! You see, I have seen incredible acts of humanity in my short time on earth and I know personally that with a simple phone call I could engage some of these beautiful people to help, cheer, pull or even push someone across their finish line!

Have an amazing week. ONWARD.