What in the world is going on when we allow fear to creep in and grab our thoughts? Catch this excerpt from an article on Quora: “Did you know that in the Bible ‘do not be afraid, fear not,’ or something in that framework, is listed arguably 365 times… one for each day of the year.” (Since it’s on the internet, it must be true. Haha-)
Seriously though, us simple humans do (and think) a lot of things based on some level of fear. I didn’t understand or believe that fully until the past few years… thanks to some good friends – and maybe an insightful therapist…I’m not sure if it’s the “Darwinian” factor (survival of the fittest) or what, but it all comes down to this innate need to protect ourselves from whatever it is that we think may not serve us well.
So, here’s the thing. I heard this message above not long ago. “Fear is not sustainable.” Sustainable as in “able to be maintained, upheld, defended.” I don’t know about you, but my fear of whatever – nailing the interview, playing a strong golf game, acing the test, clutching the public speaking assignment, being the perfect mom – absolutely none of it is sustainable!
We can’t be perfect or even have the notion of thinking we can or really should be. We can be really damn good, and yet there is always something, someone, better. You know what? It doesn’t matter! At the ripe age of 51, I can honestly say it doesn’t matter. (My apologies to those – including my younger self – who thought that a 4.0 on their resume matters years after college… it doesn’t.)
At work I interview for attitude and the capacity to understand this very concept. Public speaking? Be your authentic self and people will love it. “You” is exactly what the world needs more of. Golf? Who cares. The game doesn’t even matter if those playing aren’t bringing their positive energy to the experience. Whatever it is that you offer, the world wants and needs the true you to show up in every situation. That alone raises the bar for us all.
We don’t have to be afraid of even heavier topics… Relationships? God always delivers what it is we need to know in that season. If we listen, He helps us make the hurdle and learn (whether it’s personal or work relationships). If you don’t believe this, give me a ring and I’ll share some personal stories that may help you lean in a bit more.
Folks, what areas are you consciously or unconsciously letting fear creep in? Is it your health? The feeling that you may not be as sharp as you once were? That you can’t achieve that goal you are striving for? All of that is not true. Your mind is your most powerful asset. Get those thoughts right on out of your head!
Fear is not where we are meant to live. Let’s do what we can this summer to shift our thoughts to all things that move us in a direction of growth and eliminate fear from our daily diet! You are worth it. You are beautiful and have everything you need to live out the most amazing life.
Cheering you all on!