Laughter is the best medicine, right? Actually, laughing does produce those feel-good chemicals called endorphins. According to scientists, laughing has the power to increase pain tolerance, improve quality of life, and, based on experience, provide levity during challenging conversations or situations.
I have often felt like I had two choices: to laugh or downright cry. I usually try to go the laughter route (unless my hormones get a say – ha!), because it feels more healing to me. Life can be pretty harsh some times. I hope that we all remember to take a step back during those times and reframe our situation. Perhaps there is nothing that can make it “lighter.” Perhaps the pain is so deep that crying is the healing source. Or perhaps it requires both.
I have some friends going through some grueling experiences: losses of family, divorces, children with health issues – some sad and agonizing stuff. I want them to know that it is okay to laugh. It is okay to find humor in the smallest things. It is okay to do whatever is needed to find a ray of light in the situation. Whatever the case, may we all reflect as much sunshine and hope into this world as we possibly can.
I hope your week finds your spirit ready for spring and the fun and beauty it brings!