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It’s time to add some fun to your calendar

I was in a conversation recently asking a friend what they are excited about. They honestly couldn’t think of anything. Have you ever been there? It’s been a long year plus and endless unknowns have created many to pause on planning pretty much anything!

I was thrilled to see that schools are actually planning to have graduations this year. The bottom line is that big and small “events” alike are important and are a significant part of the human experience.

“Studies from Cornwall University have found those who (for example) plan a trip in advance, experience better feelings about their social situation, economic means, state of health and life life in general.” (via When we have something to look forward to, we are filled with a sense of anticipation and even excitement. It can make the days leading up better and brighter.

Todays’ brief insight is focused on our mental health. Sure, it takes intention and planning, but regardless if it’s a staycation, a weekend getaway or a lifetime trip, (or not even a vacation at all, but a fun lunch or day out with those who bring you energy!) we will be happier and healthier if we take time to add some FUN AND JOY to our calendar. If you happen to take care of parents or loved ones in anyway, or even have young adults in your life, it would be good to see what they are planning, or help them come up with something to look forward to! There are so many opportunities at all price levels from free (well, maybe some gas in the car…) on up, so don’t let that be a deterrent.

I for one have a wedding I get to attend this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited to share in this love story. Praying for you all as you wrap the week and hoping to hear your adventure stories along the way!