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Happy Mother’s Day!


Today is about honor.
At some point in our lives we have all had one biological mother and perhaps many mothers that have played a significant role in our lives. Since this goes out later in the day on Sundays, you’ve likely already honored those ladies, but if not, stop now, and call, text, email or get in the car and go hug them if that’s possible.

If you are a mother, you know both the pure love and the work that the role requires, but it’s the truest joy of all. If you are one of those moms that has stepped in for other children, God will bless you richly. Keep doing it and know that you are changing lives!

Today I want to honor my mom who has become a true friend over the past few years. As many of you know, life isn’t always easy and my mom had to overcome some significant obstacles. The GREAT NEWS is that through time, God has stepped in and showed up. Despite all things, a mother’s love is the deepest of all loves and through God all things are possible. So, if you happen to be one of those who has dealt with the not so “Leave it to Beaver” version of family life, HAVE FAITH. God can and does redeem and my story is a testament to that! LOVE THAT SO MUCH!

So, today, Mom, I am grateful. Thank you for loving us and my boys!

My prayer is that we will take this IDEA OF HONOR into the WEEK. Each day this week, make it a point to honor someone who impacts your days and deserves a moment of gratitude bestowed upon them!

I’m making my list!

(Photo credits: Pinterest)