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Fueled by good decisions


A little history lesson:  John Deere was born in Vermont in 1804. His father died at sea, and he was raised by a single mother who had a meager income. John, at a young age, made some decisions, which resulted in his great success. As you may know, John Deere is the namesake of the global company that provides us with world-class machinery that started with farming equipment and has expanded over time. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says so well, sometimes, the universe conspires to help us be greatly successful once those decisions are made!
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of my favorite concepts I have learned over the past few years is this idea of making “pre-decisions.” At first it was a parenting application, sharing with my boys that when sticking with their values, the first step is making a “pre-decision.”  If you make a commitment to yourself to do or not do something important, well then, that is likely to be exactly what happens.

The thought then came into the area of health and fitness. Making a “pre-decision” at the beginning of each year to complete the “Daniel-Fast” for 21 days, was the catalyst for me getting on the right road to health!

After some reflection, I realized my whole life I have been making these personal agreements or decisions on how I wanted my life to look at the end of my “run,” so to speak. Decisions to pick the right friends, to make a difference, to encourage others daily, to be a person of excellence and lead well in my career. Somehow, giving it an actual term helped frame it and helps me to share those thoughts with my boys and others.

The application of the idea of making a “pre-decision” is well laid out once you look at the few key steps to John Deere’s success. I always believe that looking at historically great people who have impacted our world is a good idea when the topic is ‘how to be the best I can.’

Here are a few decisions Mr. Deere made:

What decision do you need to make today? Where are you on life’s path? Time to dive into the community where you can help others or make a child laugh? Is it time to go after that new role at work that you have been teetering about for months?

Step in and make a decision today! I’m cheering for you and the whole world will conspire for your success. I believe that!