I really like the idea of using impeccable words. I also really like the thoughts of using our words to create joy, change and a culture of love and excellence all around us.
Words give energy… they set the tone, and they have all kinds of superpowers, including healing, humiliating, and transforming our emotions.
Today’s blog is more of a thought starter…
I think the message is so important and so strong that not a lot needs to be added. Sure, there is research behind this and there are all manner of famous quotes that support the idea, but the message really lies within each of us.
As we close out our week and kick off our weekend, it may be the perfect time to do a quick personal audit of our words. Are we using them optimally (both for ourselves and others…)? Are we spreading joy and improving the atmosphere of every room we walk in? Are we leaving “power” on the table by not?
I hope you’ll join me in an all out effort to be impeccable and life giving. Our world is counting on us.
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