Today’s a good day to stop and realize the sheer beauty of the world.
We are sitting right on the edge of winter and the shorter days give way to a great desire for comfort food and jumping in bed at 8 p.m.
But wait… in a few days, you’ll get shaken out of the stuper and thrown into the fury and fun of the holiday season. With this week’s theme of “mind the gap,” I can’t help but be somewhat alarmed and exhilarated at the very thought that there is a very short gap between these few days that rest between November 1 roughly (daylight savings time) to Thanksgiving where we give way to a different set of energy.
My thought: soak it up while you can!
If you need to sleep, sleep! Beg, borrow or steal it if you need to. If you need a cup of great soup and some bread that reminds you of grandma’s house, then make or go get that, too. If you just want to lay under the covers all day and hide, well, try to make that happen!
I was with this amazing Uberdriver this morning and he shared that yesterday he just stayed home and enjoyed his family. He told me he got up to go to work, but was called back by his body and spirit longing to simply enjoy this day before the action gets moving at such a rate, he can’t stop. I thought that was awesome.
As a leader, I’m not advocating everyone calling in sick, although I am a big fan and supporter of flexible work schedules and an integration between work and life that is reasonable and allows us to produce our best. I am, however, advocating that you allow yourself and your staff if you are a leader to pull off of the side of the road, so to speak, and mind the gap that is this brief season.
Perhaps by doing so we will improve our health and get a sense of rejuvination which will help us build energy to have the best holiday season ever.
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