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Coming up for air! (Launching into mindfulness)

(Photo Creds: Canva)

I’m finally coming up for AIR. (See side note below if you’re interested.)

Does anyone else ever feel that way after a period of being either gone or otherwise detained — or both — from real life?

In the business world, I worked with a colleague that often used that phrase, “Oh, he/she will come up for air once they realize (their mistake, or whatever)…” It took me a while honestly to understand what they meant, but boy do I understand it now, on soooo many levels. I find myself coming up for air in finally “getting” a new concept, in working with people and trying to understand their point of view, and of course when I’m swamped and actually am coming up for air.

When I was gone, I spent some time researching the concept of mindfulness. It seems to be a hot topic, and aside from reading various articles on the benefits of meditation and yoga, I didn’t really understand what the big deal was. Maybe it was just the world’s way to change things up a bit to get your attention again on a topic? Regardless, the end result is the same and worthy of our attention.

That would be an overall goal of improved focus and awareness.

This could be of something as simple as your breath, or as complex as seeing the intricacy in beautiful architecture. Using that last example, if you are local and haven’t really walked and admired the streets of downtown KC around the Power and Light area, please do so. I looked at this recently with new eyes, and we have some simply amazing architecture.  A dear friend was with me and she explained so much of the history that I had no idea about. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe I’m almost 50 and know so little. I think I need more than one life so I can consume all of these wonderful details life has to offer.  One more reason for those of us at earlier ages to realize the importance of becoming “mindful” to our world. All parts of it!

I’m going to spend the rest of this week, Thursday and Sunday focused on the topic and I hope it is of great benefit to you. As you set your eyes on being the best, on serving the best, loving the best — MINDFULNESS is a terrific place to start in going deeper and achieving a higher calling. I’m in for that for sure!

Side Note:  I am not one to share the details of my life because I figure everyone has enough of their own “stuff.” If you are on my Instagram, you may have saw that we went on a life trip, and journeyed through some of the places that the Apostle Paul traveled during this mission. (Paul wrote much of the new testament, credited with 13 chapters.) I was fortunate to have two of my boys along for the trip and really missed the third. At the same time we were preparing to leave we moved into a “pod” temporarily and then day we returned, into our new home. A little chaotic to say the least, but alas, daylight is coming through. If anyone is interested, I would so love to share the story of the trip. Please let me know!