Sometimes this “clarity” happens after the “rumble” but often it happens right in the middle of chaos. It’s as if the heavens opened and sent down a signal (through a friend sharing their story, a headline, sermon, or some other message…). This new information helps you develop a narrative you can understand and create sanity around the situation you are faced with. Sometimes, this revelation offers you just the grace you need to push through, develop a go-forward plan, or perhaps just enough energy to allow you to sit quietly and listen attentively for the next step.
Clarity is found in that listening, and listening is where we find the the ability to ground ourselves.
I am finding that the season that we find ourselves in calls for us to become “grounded” again. To call on our “roots,” if you will, to provide us the viability we need to continue to thrive. Most conversations I have on any given day, include that people are feeling tired and left with no more to give in this year of unknowns. The very idea of waking up everyday and not having a clear view of the road ahead has taken its toll.
The very definition of “grounded” (thank you Google), is “…referring to someones physical and mental state of being confident and sure of oneself… having a strong connection with who you are, and where you are going.” THAT is generally where we find ourselves in January when we make our lists of goals, get motivated by books and messages across our environments, put on our running shoes and show up ready to go after our dreams with gusto. This year, the race fell off course around week 10 and we have been doing all we can to adjust and adapt since then I’m pretty proud of everyone I’m around for their resilience, although I’m keenly aware that the toll is probably not at all calculated yet.
The need has never been greater, regardless of your age, to do what we can to use these final 6 weeks to center and ground ourselves. We need to be intentional and find that extra time to seek joy in all manner of ways. Taking the time for a cup of coffee and deep conversation with a loved one may create a depth you haven’t had in years. These weeks offer us the opportunity to be intentional if we take the time to figure out what might get us to a place of renewal in a chaotic cycle of life.
I am personally praying for all of us today, that we might find ourselves immersed in silent moments that offer to us finding our roots and being refreshed and reminded of what’s truly important in life. It really doesn’t matter what tomorrow brings, because God has given us exactly what we need for today. I hope we will all find clarity in the midst of chaos and a feeling of solid grounding that we don’t even understand.
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