(Photo Creds: We Heart It)
Happy New Year everyone.
Today sets forth a blank page and new path. I prefer my paths fairly straight, with few rocks and beautiful scenery. Mountains, rivers, friends, fresh air… That’s good because God promises us paths that drip with ABUNDANCE.
As we all know, life has many paths and some are what I fondly refer to as “ass kickers” – and that’s okay. We don’t reach our highest potential, or enjoy life’s true beauty without some effort and “STRETCH.”
I’ve been putting together my 2017 plan over the last few days (while dealing with this awful cold that some handsome college kid delivered to my door step). I will pray over this plan today and in the days to come, and what I know is that God will put me on many paths this year. I need to follow his guidance and not my own desire to take the route of least resistance… To put on my explorer hat and be ready, fully knowing that whatever the path looks like, He’s right there with me, along with some really great friends and family He has put along the trail!
I pray that you’ll join me throughout the year as we find out what’s ahead and together, and fully know that whatever it is, the year is promised to be “CROWNED with GOODNESS.”