Starting 2019 by resetting your soul seems like a great idea. I have to be honest, that is absolutely my goal.
There is well known scripture, Ecclesiastes 3, that reminds us that there is a season for EVERYTHING in our lives. So, whether 2018 was a challenging year or a year of great favor, you can rest in the peace of knowing that there are all types of seasons in our lives — and better yet, we can (and will) not only survive but thrive in order to achieve our purpose.
I heard a message about the new year that highlighted the idea in the photo above: RESETTING your soul. Sometime between Christmas and New Year’s my phone did a hard reset. For several hours, it was completely wiped. I’m sure many of you can imagine the distress that might occur when literally everything had reset back to zero — nada, nothing. Not even one of my 18,000 photos, or a single app, password, or any of my hundreds of notes. Thankfully after reaching “Level 3 support” from Apple, I was able to recover much of the data, though it felt more like recovering parts of my life.
After that trauma, I could only be amused when just two days ago, it did it again. Then, I heard this message. I had to laugh. It was as if the whole thing was speaking right to me. Have you ever felt that way? (Somehow the universe always knows what we need to hear as individuals, and delivers us that message at just the right time.)
I do believe it is purely logical that God would power the whole thing (i.e. my soul) down, in order to resurrect it and bring it back. I like to think that when it comes back, it is FULLY RESTORED — or at least restored to the original, or maybe even a better self, getting rid of any “corrupted data” so to speak.
Do any of you need a reset? Perhaps a soft reset would be enough, and perhaps a full out hard reset would get you to your optimum level of power. I hope that over the last few weeks you might have been reset and restored. If not, I hope you might find time soon to get to that space. Winter is a great opportunity to hide out a bit and allow these resets to occur.
Cheering you all on as we go into our best year ever.