I have heard this song so many times, and never thought of it in the way that was shared at Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia a year ago. Here’s what they shared:
Great is our God….
In where he has positioned us in this world.
(May we grow where he has planted us.)
In our relationships
In our careers
In our finances
In our dreams…
I absolutely LOVED THIS perspective.
Essentially, “great is our God” in all of the areas of our life. If we choose to focus on the good and even great, it can be found anywhere. We were all born at this specific time in the world for a reason, each with a destined purpose to love those around us and to achieve the purpose set for us by using the gifts we have been given.
To me, that is the fun part. Understanding both my gifts and the gifts of those God has put in my “circle of life” so to speak and working together to do something magical.
As you go into your week, go out and do something MAGICAL. Great is our God indeed.