Abundance is… Fill in the blank for yourself and for your family today. What does that look like and feel like?
Here’s the thing, I truly believe in the idea that God wants us to experience abundant life – fully in, fully giving and receiving all the love that we can handle. The scripture, “His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine,” from Ephesians 3:20 is so strong in revealing that what we think is likely not even scratching the surface of what we can experience through the gifts He has given us. I love that.
So, back to the first question: What is it for you? Where’s a solid place to start this week? Abundance to me feels like so many things, but it starts with the people God has put in my path. It continues with nurturing those through encouragement, listening, healthy conversations, a ton of fun and a lot of just doing life together.
Abundance is in the everyday to me, whether it’s strolling through the market, watching the children giggle, or the older couples hand in hand, wondering what journey life has taken them through. Abundance is travel and admiring other cultures for their traditions and witnessing unbelievable joy in those who might not have much, and yet they have everything.
Abundance… what is it to you?