Serve Well
Airplane mode: ON
Happy July y’all.
It’s July 2, and therefore the perfect time to throw on the airplane mode feature on our phones, and (as much as we can) implement that idea into our lives.
I’ve been writing the blog now for four years. Two years ago, I decided not to write during the month of July. The downtime creates space to think, pray, read, reflect and hopefully be inspired in my writing. That is the intention I’m setting!
This year I am going to push out some inspirational messaging that I heard recently on Peloton. I purchased one of their bikes not too long ago, and it has been an incredible experience. While I won’t blog – although I’m sure I have plenty to say about the great content – I will focus on what I feel is a simple and powerful message during my regular posting days. I hope it will add a bit of fun to your summer.
It is such an honor to serve you all with these short thoughts and I am so grateful for your support. My prayer is that you too will go on metaphorical airplane mode. Look around and savor the joy in this season. What a gift we have been given to live out what God has provided us with.
Have a wonderful 4th of July celebration this week! Go America!
We have the power to choose
Today’s post is a throwback from 2017 that offers a simple reminder: We have the power to choose.
Choose a chaotic or calm approach? How do I really want my home and life to feel? To look?
Choose to make this a terrific summer, or choose for your days to be the same?
Choose to create a plan to make a difference, or not?
Choose to take action to achieve your dreams, or watch them pass you by?
Choose to save for that great trip, or keep stripping away funds via Starbucks runs and too much frivolous spending?
Choose to look up and smile more, enjoy the beauty, or walk around with your head down looking at your latest text/Instagram post/Facebook feed?
This is just a reminder that you get to choose. I love that… I for one welcome the reminder, and I hope you do, too! Cheering you on!
Leveling up: Time to take the difficult path
Hey there, friends! Ashley here. I am the lucky one who gets to help Lori with To Serve Well. You heard from me once, back in 2017. It’s funny, because I only vaguely remember the woman who guest blogged that post about self care. In fact, for a while, I lost her.
I’ve been on a journey for years now – mostly physical health. You know that vicious cycle where you lose the weight and gain it back (lather, rinse, repeat).
But right now, I’m on a different journey – a journey to grow. A journey to level up. I’m on a journey to discover more about my own capacity to learn, to become more patient, kind, innovative and effective. I’m on a journey of evolution, watching the rewards trickle out into every part of my life, from the office to my dating life (a generous term, but we are rolling with it).
There’s absolutely nothing special about my ability to accomplish this over anyone else. It is sometimes messy and always hard, but it’s worth it.
Critical to my success these past three months is my willingness to have an open mind and heart to the messages of other people. Which brings us to a quote that I picked up recently that resonated:
I say no to a lot of stuff so I can have bandwidth and energy and dedication to the difficult path.
Robin Arzón
Please tell me that touched your soul the way it did mine. I mean, wow. It came from Peloton VP and instructor Robin Arzón, who Lori mentioned in a blog last week. I’ll include the podcast below if you’d like to take a listen. Her mindset about growth and persistence is really amplifying what I feel in my bones right now.
How often do you watch people around you take the easy route? They wander back into a relationship because it’s comfortable, or stay at the job they see no long-term opportunity in despite having a grand vision of starting a business. I hate to suggest it, but maybe that’s not just someone around you – maybe it’s you?
Let me bring it home for you. I devoted an alarming amount of bandwidth for months about whether I was in the right job and whether those around me thought I was capable in my role. Instead of letting that be a fleeting thought, it consumed me, and everything that was happening around me was, in turn, validating that negative mindset. But my gosh, friends, do you know what happened when I finally decided to take my version of the difficult path that Robin’s talking about? My life changed in a matter of months.
Between a mentor, a therapist, a financial planner, daily journaling, personal development books and podcasts galore, I feel armed and dangerous with a better understanding of what it means to be a strong woman here to serve myself well so I can be a better servant to those around me. And I was previously shut off to all of those resources and people, though I still don’t understand why.
I share a piece of my heart with you today, in the context of my girl Robin’s quote, in hopes you give the bandwidth, energy and dedication to whatever difficult path awaits your attention. Trust me. Come on in. The water’s fine.
Memorial Day: A day to honor
Memorial Day is about honor.
As we kick off this week, focused on honoring those who have served our country and lost their lives, I pray that we will all consider the impact this sacrifice has had on our lives. In America, we experience freedom of every possible type. This has come at a price. It will personally be a great joy to lift up to God my many thanks for this gift. My gift in return will be to not only live a life of excellence, but to inspire others to do the same.
Let’s focus this week on honor, because we need to keep it front and center.
Have an amazing long weekend. I pray that you will be refreshed and that a spirit of honor will fill your heart and home.
I want to also take a moment to recognize not only those who have left us through their service to our country, but to all who have gone ahead of us. We are who we are because of their impact on our lives.
(Rewind — this is a throwback post to 2018).
What does it look like to stand together?
This is a truly wonderful season, full of hope and excitement as graduates of all ages cross the stage. Graduation represents an accomplishment worth celebrating, but I believe the best part is that they offer the opportunity to take us to the next level of our adventure. New seasons require higher levels of support, so the thought of “standing” together is where my mind is today.
Taking a stand with or for someone is one of the highest levels of service we can provide to those we love.
So, what does that look like exactly? I thought some examples may be helpful to get your creative juices rolling (Of course I know everyone would love to hear some of yours so please add them below!):
Taking a stand for or with could be…
Advocating for someone you work with – Sending an email to their leader to let them know what a difference they make in your day to day endeavors is something I believe is simple, yet supremely significant.
Ensuring support is there for a young man or woman to achieve their personal dreams – What if we all asked the next new high school or college graduate we met what we could do to help them at this stage in their life? Life is absolutely packed with chances to reach out and help someone by introducing them to the right person, or even a book that may change their life.
Taking action on a unified issue – Who in your circle is fighting the good fight over something that’s important to them and that you agree with Perhaps it’s a social justice issue, or perhaps it’s as simple as someone trying to push forward a plan to improve wellness in the workplace. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to jump in and lend a hand, your voice and energy.
We all thrive when we stand together. I hope that you take a small – or a large – stand this week… I know that when we do that, we will also RISE TOGETHER. Cheering you all on.
What deserves your highest honor?
Honor. It’s one of the best words on the planet. It’s what we really do to serve well. But, serving ourselves well is also an important part of that.
This post can go in many directions…
Who have I not honored as much as I should have this year? Someone I really want to honor every day, but for some reason life has taken hold and I haven’t done so. Perhaps someone I know I want in my life indefinitely.
What have I not been honoring? Is it my attention to community service? Or could it be a distant friend that – although you don’t need to see each other weekly to know you are there for one another – you really want to spend more time with. It could be all manner of things: maintenance needed on your home or car, for example. What is it that requires your attention?
But back to where we started this post. What about how you honor yourself? This message is strong. Attention goes where energy flows, after all.
How can we focus on personal wellness? Some members of my team were having a “water” contest on Monday. I thought that was a great start. What about taking that next call outside while walking? Healthier choices when ordering food? Heck, maybe you combine a couple of these broader ideas and get moving with an old friend… or even get moving with some spring cleaning. I know my garage is a winter mess.
If you would like some professional input on all things wellness, I highly recommend Dr. Michelle Robin. Her podcast, books, etc. are terrific places to start because they are easy, practical and profound.
I hope you all are having a fantastic week! Let’s wrap it strong and go out with high honor for all those people, places or things, that are so important in our lives.
Live in the arena
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again … who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Want to level up your personal growth? Find a bit over an hour, log into Netflix and be prepared to actively take notes. You will laugh, you will nod in understanding and you will be changed. In her Netflix special, Dr. Brene Brown, says something to the tune of “there is my life before this quote (above) and my life after.” I could say the same thing about this show. Incredible.
She talks about “engineering smallness” in her life because of her fear to step into her own power and play big. (Frankly, that’s its own headline!)
She shares incredible data that proves that if we are to achieve anything – from career success to love – we will indeed fall, get our asses kicked, and experience heartbreak. (Ouch!)
She talks about being hard-wired for belonging, and our need to speak our truth and not betray ourselves for other people.
She educates about the need for us to be vulnerable…even in the workplace. Especially if we are to develop inclusivity, equity and diversity and have uncomfortable conversations that ultimately have the power to bring us to unity. (Folks… we need to be vulnerable… this is critical for our generation.)
That, my friends, encompasses only about 5 percent of the content. I truly hope that you will make it a priority to step into this great message. And if you’ve already caught her Netflix special, I’d love to hear about your takeaways!
The “arena” can for sure be intimidating – scary even. The “arena” is also that place where we grow, thrive and shine like no other place. You all are champions my friends! Cheering you on always.
Simple Thoughts Sunday: There is power in His name
Rewind! Throwing it back to a forever-relevant post from a previous Easter. Cheering you on, friends!
What a wonderful name! WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!
For Christians everywhere, today is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For today, I thought I’d keep it simple and remind you of all Jesus can be in our lives (list below). I for one am thankful he is my counselor, teacher, and that his power shows up in every aspect of my life, providing peace, love, joy and forgiveness.
Have a wonderful week, and no matter what you celebrate today… you are loved indeed.
A short list of some of the names of Jesus:
Almighty Rev 1:8
Alpha and Omega Rev 1:8; 22:13
Author and Finisher Heb 12:2
Beloved Matt 12:18; Eph 1:6
Christ Luke 9:20
Comforter John 14:16
Counselor Isa 9:6
Creator Isa 43:15; John 1:3; Col 1:16
Deliverer Rom 11:26
Faithful and True Rev 19:11
God of hope Rom 15:13
Light of the World John 8:12; 9:5
Lord of the Harvest Matt 9:37-38
Lord of Peace 2 Thess 3:16
Mediator 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 8:6, 1 John 2:1
Rock 1 Cor 10:4
Physician Matt 9:12
Shephard Heb 13:20; 1 Pet 2:25; 5:4
Teacher Mark 6:34; Luke 4:15; John 3:2
Victor John 16:33; Rev 3:21; 17:14
Wonderful Rev 19:13
Let’s be of service to those around us!
It’s Easter week. Full of hope and excitement – if you let it.
So, what can put us into that frame of mind?
Whether you are reading this with a heart full of joy – feeling that momentum in your soul – or during a rough season of life, I have found that there is profound power in focusing on others first.
Let me explain…
I consider this idea of “serving well,” and getting outside of my own head, to be one of the most important thing I can do. I love Oprah’s reminder in the quote above that service is an opportunity – a gift, really.
We have the choice to serve others every single day, whether or not you’re “feeling” the positive energy within yourself at the time. It is still a choice. Giving love and being a source of help where needed is arguably one of life’s greatest gifts. We were born with a heart to serve.
I hope this Holy Week fills your heart (and Easter baskets!) with hope and joy by extending a hand to someone that God has placed in your path.