When I was a kid, I could never sleep the night before a new school year. This lasted all the way up until college.
The excitement, the possibilities – both good and bad – all swirled in my head and I tossed my way through the night. At this age, I don’t often stay up all night. In fact, I’m one of those who works best with eight hours, and I covet my sleep. I also don’t believe in worrying, as I’ve learned that it doesn’t add any value.
Much to my surprise, I pulled an “all-nighter” Tuesday. (And it’s not that I didn’t go to sleep at a decent hour, the world was changing, and my body apparently knew it.)
As I was staring at the alarm clock every few minutes, this insight came to mind. Why do I care so much? I’m not alone I know. Most people I interact with care a great deal about a number of topics from finding homes for abandoned animals, to sports, cooking, their career, education, homes, family and friends. Caring is good – even the kind that keeps you up all night. (As long as it’s only one night!) Here’s why I think it’s good wrapped in a simple thought:
Caring is what makes us human. “Caring” ignites our passions that become our “causes,” and this makes the world what it is: awesome, despite who the current president is.
My friends, I hope that even if you lose some sleep now and then that you continue to CARE DEEPLY. It’s a great privelege to care so much. Take those “CARES” and cast them into ACTION that CREATES a better world.