My takeaways from Mindy Corporon’s new book, “Healing a Shattered Soul.”
I was fortunate to receive a copy of this book from Mindy, and I want to share some thoughts I had after I closed the final page. Although I walked some of this journey with Mindy, there was an enormous part I had no idea about, and I am incredibly grateful that she wrote this book. It is a must read for anyone who has had a major loss. Even for those of us who have not, the book helps us to be a better friend for those who cross our paths who have.
The purpose of this blog is to focus on “serving well.” Just how do we do that in our homes, workplace and community? This books brings forward so much good in answering that question in perhaps the toughest challenge we face as humans. Just how can we do that in a crisis? One where there are no words, and often so incredibly uncomfortable that you don’t even want to lean in at all for fear of somehow making it worse. As Mindy shares, those people that leaned in actually helped her and her family through the most painful days. And still today – 7 years later – provide them energy, prayer and the strength to use their story to better our world. Leaning in is important and the stories weaved throughout this book offer us countless ways to do just that. It’s powerful.
The title of today’s blog pivots to the center message that Mindy has heard God speaking to her since that tragic day: “Bring your people together.” The work that Mindy and her family have led over the past several years has done just that. Their desire to bring together people to develop knowledge and an understanding of our interfaith differences has been timely for where we find ourselves in at this point in our nation’s history. If you aren’t familiar with the work, check out Give Seven Days. Their themes of “Love, Discover, Others, Connect, You and Go,” provide a basis for the mission which spans both interfaith and multi-generational opportunities to better our community.
The significance of how God has orchestrated this tragedy for good in this world is further evidence that good can and will come out of the bad if we listen and commit our actions to the work. Mindy shares in the book this quote, “It was clear to me that following His (God’s) direction that night immediately gave me strength and comfort.” I love that, because I have found that be true, and a constant reminder is helpful. Somehow, when we listen to God, the peace and strength that gives us is second to none. It’s a beautiful experience and one I have realized a few times in my life. I need to listen more.
I could go on and on with insights today, but I want to leave it with what I feel is the perfect wrap-up quote from Mindy’s book. The message brings together this idea of service and also her mission to make good come…
“Just as family and friends were instruments of God, available to breathe life into me, I have picked up my own cross to pay it forward to help others find healing, hope, and inspiration.”
My prayer is that we will all be able to be instruments when the need arises and that we will have the courage to pick up our cross in whatever areas God sends us and act boldly, knowing God is with us. If you follow Mindy’s story (and I hope you do from now on if you haven’t) you will see a life well-lived, in action. She is an absolute inspiration for me and gives me courage and bravery along life’s twists and turn. I am forever grateful.
I hope you will pick up this book and both learn and then share it with anyone you know who might have experienced a serious loss. It will be very useful to them as they process their grief and find themselves on a path to healing.