Happy Sunday. Summer is in full swing and the days are hot and COVID-19 is creating the need for us to think outside of the box, dig deep in so many ways and re-create our routines. It’s good folks. God has us right where we are supposed to be.
I was scrolling through social media when I found this powerful message this week, and it felt immediately like it was definitely a blog topic. As always, I hope and pray it resonates with at least one person. For the full context, follow @jenniesallen.
In short, she apparently didn’t fully express her thoughts, as we all so often DON’T do, whether it be via social media or an email or text. We forget that the other parties may not know our “complete thinking” and we leave out key factors. Jennie’s a nationally-known speaker and writer, so it’s pretty important that she does so, I imagine. For most of the rest us, it’s simply about wanting to be sure we aren’t hurting others by leaving out important parts. We all need the grace if we don’t quite say it just right.
Her friend’s advice was the power punch, as the picture/meme above shows. In essence, she said we should ask God to “catch” us where we fail, where we struggle, and where we don’t quite show up as we hope to. I could think of a few other words to fill in that sentence. How about you? I know others would love if you shared in the comments.
“God, catch my… inconsistent ways, my sometimes not speaking as gently as I’d hope to my own children, my not thought-through purchases…” The list is long.
Jump in! I am praying today that God helps all of us rise to the next level, by going to the depths during this season where we truly are on our knees, asking God to fill in all of our gaps. That he may fill our hearts with grace for others (my fav definition of grace is “undeserved forgiveness or pardon”), and a heart to always seek guidance and discernment no matter our age or situation.
Carole Marshall says
Catch my shortcomings
Catch my flippant words
Catch my time