We are closing in on the end of the first quarter of the year. I hope you have started strong and have built momentum. I run hard the first weeks of the year, and it’s about “now” that I could use another round of IDEAS to stimulate my thinking. Most generally this is for work, but that’s not always true. As a friend, sister, parent, and someone who wants to serve best in our community, I need to be “fueled” with thinking that elevates. How do I do that? Here are three thoughts…
- STEAL ‘EM: For sure I fully believe that we don’t need to re-invite the wheel so to speak. If you are alert, read often, and invest time in others, you will automatically be reloaded on a regular basis with great ideas.
- MARGIN: Yep, I said it- We need to find margin” in our days in order for our mind to think as its equipped to do and create new ideas. We need to put down the phone, open a blank page and just pay attention to what comes to mind. If you need a start, simply put a circle in the middle of the page with the topic you’d love to create energy around. Recently I had one of my boys do this, and simply engage thinking with the idea of “What do I need to do to achieve my goals?”
- RANDOM THOUGHTS: I will now advocate for that wonderful “notes” app on your phone – (Or really any post it note, pad of paper, etc.) – I believe fully that ideas are fleeting and I am often finding myself just taking a moment to write down the ideas that pop up – Such as this blog idea. I believe our simple thoughts can be a part of something amazing: A simple walk, the recognition of a simple flower, a balloon floating by, passing by a father and daughter walking down the street… All can inspire.