I need God…
- in my conversations.
- in places I can’t find peace.
- in my EVERY next move.
Those thoughts are where my heart is right now. I feel more than ever that God is working and there is energy toward healing across our nation. It’s clear that we have been positioned toward unity and reconciliation, if we will stay the course.
First, through COVID-19, there was a movement toward the dinner table and a reprioritization of our lives. On the heels – with what seems like perfect timing (perhaps we weren’t ready as a nation before now…) – decades-long issues of racial inequality has become central in our minds and hearts. Injustice is finally making its way into family conversations, raising awareness & leading toward meaningful action.
For today’s “Simple Thoughts Sunday,” I ask you to remember to keep God centered in your every step forward. Scripture tells numerous stories of calls to love your neighbor and how to respond to injustice or hate. In fact, scripture supports peaceful protesting as a way to unify and create change.
I have so many more questions than answers right now. As I mentioned earlier this week, we have to keep our hearts and minds focused and our actions BOLD until we see a world closer to the one God envisioned: One where all men and women are treated as equal. To do that, we must invite God in to the story.
I’m ending today with a text excerpt from a dear friend who happens to be black. She’s hurting right now more than ever, but make no mistake, this pain is only compounded by the injustice she and those she loves experiences many days of her life. I stand with her and I hope you will as well.
My question to her: “What can and should I be doing right now?” Her reply….
“Be unafraid, be vulnerable, be compassionate, be open, be willing to empathize, be a change agent, be a VOICE, be MY voice, see my worth, value MY life.”
She ended with this: “Hard conversations have to occur in order for any change to happen. It’s long overdue, but I have faith that we will get there… one day.”
Let’s hope for my friend and so many that we love that “one day” comes with the voice and actions of this generation. As she said… it will indeed take faith…her faith & our collective faith. I believe it will require God’s provision in every area. That is my prayer today. Here’s to a powerful week and standing boldly together!