We made it past hump day and on the home stretch to finishing week one of November. I started on Sunday with the theme of bold. Bold in our thinking, our priorities, our actions, our intentions, our love, our prayers.
Tuesday we got a little deep in talking about bold thinking… but, since most readers are Kansas Citians and we were celebrating our Royals winning the World Series, you might want to go back and check that one out if you missed it.
So, how do you wrap up a bold theme? Of course talking about the KANSAS CITY ROYALS 2015 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!
My top three thoughts on how we can learn and be inspired following the big celebration this week:
With every dump of the Gatorade and every time he flashes that smile, he embraces the essence of hometown heart and a spirit that literally shines.
His “roll up your sleeves” attitude and willingness to put himself out there and make the play is a big reason the KC Royals – and the rest of Kansas City – were able to celebrate this week.
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