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Birthdays are worth celebrating!

blog_735001_2807093_1447301272For those of you reading this thank you! I totally get it if folks skip over this one, because it’s personal. Personal as in the true joys of my life. That is inspiring if you ask me.

I started out my health care career in the OB/GYN field and for those of you that don’t know, those are the wonderful physicians that help us bring new life into our world. In that space, I learned quickly that birthdays are a big deal. Life is beyond precious and worth every candle, every bit of annoying confetti andevery good ol’ loud and obnoxious birthday song – cha cha cha!

So for today, I celebrate my boys’ birthday and share three wishes for them and for all of you:

  1. PURE JOY. As we climb the inevitable mountains of life, that we always remember to stop and soak up God’s beauty as it can be found in everything from the simplest dandelion that pops up in the spring to the most complicated of all, which is the beauty found in the complexity of our first breath and the intricate wiring of our human bodies.
  2. LOVE. “And the greatest of these is love.” To find love everywhere: In our families, love that sustained us as babies (and still today), childhood friends, teachers of all kinds that have been a part of our growth, the well wishes and smiles of strangers, the prayers of generations past, the first kiss and the loves of our lives. My great hope is that you will see these, recognize them, cherish them andlove fiercely.
  3. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. My belief of course is that we were all were put here in our generation, at this very moment in time to serve and to improve our world. Through our life work, our family, career and community, we have opportunities of need surrounding us. My wish is that we will reflect often on how we do this well and show our passion and act often.

Happy Birthday dear boys! Here’s to YOUR BEST YEAR YET!