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Better together

I often talk about community and the importance of us staying connected with people who accelerate the joy and growth in our lives. Joy can be found almost everywhere you can imagine, and perhaps almost always in the deep valleys of life – because God often sends just the right person or community to brighten our path and help us thru.

I was with a group of business women over the weekend and this message seems to be coming at me strongly. So many stories happening right now that could rock anyone’s world, but the power in how these ladies not only serve each other, but their families at work and at home, offers so much evidence for why cultivating relationships simply has to be a priority. We must do all we can to seek it out and be intentional. There is likely not a better return on an investment of time, energy or resources.

Along those lines, I was just in a one on one meeting with one of my amazing staff and she shared that one of her primary goals this year is finding happiness in the chaos. She wants to focus on the proactive versus reactive. We can talk about the latter in a post to come, because that certainly needs attention, but for now – joy! The joy found in community. I am certain she will find what she’s hoping for within the ranks of those who surround her if she places focus there.

I am always prayerful in these posts that at least one person needs the insight shared. Almost always it seems the “universe” conspires for the greater good by seeding the idea in my mind, ever hopeful that my words can bring out a few helpful thoughts.

Today, I hope you will know that we truly are better together. God designed us that way from the beginning. What a gift. Go hug your tribe today, make that call, send that message… it’s the best gift.