(Photo Creds: We Heart It)
I was talking with my trainer, Amy Gipson, yesterday and our conversation always goes to the season we are in. Life’s seasons, that is. Although I have found they often follow the actual seasons.
Fall is certainly one of the busiest seasons, and approaches us after one of longer days – hopefully some relaxing ones, too – and the opportunity to soak up the sun. Although we know it’s coming, fall happens upon us almost as a shock to our systems, and soon school starts, work amps up and community activities launch into full speed. In general we become deluged with activities and an instinct to drive toward hitting all of those goals that we started the year with. The fourth quarter push!
Today I wanted to talk about the idea of “embracing the season.” Ask yourself:
“Am I giving this season what it deserves?”
Amy and I both agreed that in order to really give it what it deserves, we have to be intentional with setting boundaries and playing to what our priorities are during this season. If we don’t, somehow the PTO’s priorities become ours and we end up frustrated and overwhelmed. (The PTO is called other things throughout life: professor, boss, you get the picture.) The idea of balance is probably a myth, but what isn’t a myth is that our balance needs to be monitored, and eventually it must balance for us to stay sane and thriving. It’s truly okay for some days to be 60/40, others 80/20, as long as it measures out in the end in a way that optimizes your life in a holistic way!
As you go into your weekend, spend some time ensuring that you are truly giving this season what it deserves. It may require a few modifications in order to give you and your family peace of mind and allow you to fully embrace it. Several months ago I blogged about that idea of counting our days… According to the “timeanddate.com” app as of today, I have 6,739 days until retirement, and 13,314 days remaining in my life expectancy. That adds up to 144 seasons (calendar seasons that is), or 36 more falls, summers, springs and winters. I don’t know about you but I was thinking that number would be higher…. I am committed to making them count and giving them all what they deserve.
The time is now to EMBRACE THE SEASON.
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