My point is that if you have a living parent, an aunt/uncle or someone dear to you and you have the opportunity, try to make it happen. The very idea of it might overwhelm you at first, and if it does, give me a call. I’ll tell you my story and maybe it will help. I want to thank Dr. Mark Box, and Nancy Levota for inspiring me to take the leap! You both really inspire me!
Here are some things I learned (or was reminded of):
She’s a bit like me… I mean, when the fire alarm went off, she didn’t leave the room. I always think it’s a test (and it was), but that’s not the brightest conclusion… but we lived, so that’s for another day. Just an insight that in some way, shape or form, most of us end up like our parents.
She reminded me to stop and smell the roses and TO STAY AMAZED. I got a kick out of how her wonder of looking at the ocean was like a child. It was really cool actually. I too often don’t stop, although I honestly try. I can do better.
We all need to stop and celebrate. We toasted with real and virgin pina coladas, mai tais and iced tea. You really should do this with those that don’t expect it (AKA, in my world, older adults…).
She DIDN’T like the airport full-body, pat-down screening. Once again, being reminded that our WORLD IS CHANGING was good for her… Our world could use some simplicity, the kind technology doesn’t offer.
I hope this sparks your thinking! Do share if you decide to make the leap. I think even a trip to the zoo would be a delight!