This is a topic I could stay on forever. There are so many great aspects of GROWTH that it could genuinely fill our days.
The good news is that we no longer have the one-room schoolhouse with a small selection of books and references. We literally have more information to consume than we ever could ever reasonably take in.
On Tuesday, I framed up the idea of just getting started on growth. We did this through a conversation on development silly, “stupid” mini-habits. To me, the next part of this discussion is surrounding yourself with wise counsel. As in teachers, mentors, coaches, etc. So to summarize:
- Set a Goal
- Break that down into small steps so it’s doable and you set yourself up for success.
- Seek out the right people to help you WIN!
This may be the most important part because we were designed to be in community. We simply cannot go as far on our own. It took me a long time to realize this in the health/fitness world. I have had a trainer (shout out to the most amazing, encouraging and smart trainer there is) for almost three years. I am highly disciplined with most things when I put my mind to it (i.e. making a decision), but I just won’t push myself during a workout without someone guiding me. It’s partly because I don’t understand the process of building and maintaining muscle, but it’s also that I just don’t like to be in pain. I’m sure many of you get it.
That’s just one pretty straightforward example. Since I was young, the teachers and coaches were the people who helped me GROW. They are so critical to all areas of our development. I would submit that they still are, but it may look a little different.
Who do you seek out for growth? If you want to be the best in your industry, have you sought out the best to help you? In my assessment, good teachers, coaches, mentors do the following:
- Champion your success;
- clear the path if needed (open doors to both knowledge and people that can help you); and
- yes, hold you accountable to goal achievement.
I also think it’s pretty important that you hold the same value system and enjoy each other’s company. (It’s always best if you have fun in the process.)
Today and this weekend it would be great if you gave some real thought to this. What area(s) in your life are you trying to grow in? (Spiritual, financial, relational, career, physical, etc.) Do you have good teachers or mentors to help you? If not, develop a strategy to seek it out!
Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to talk further on the subject. It’s a hot topic for me personally!
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